Mr. Satan

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He is the "World's Martial Art's Champion", although there are much stronger people than Mr. Satan, he seems to win the tournaments by luck and get credit for killing Cell and other villains. Mr. Satan is good friends with Majin Buu, although when their puppy gets injured, Majin Buu goes bad. Mr. Satan's daughter, Videl was trained by Gohan and is a lot stronger than Mr. Satan and he seems to hide his weakness during a fight and makes up some excuse to make everyone like him.

 Mr. Satan and Announcer

 Mr. Satan

 Mr. Satan

 Mr. Satan

Curator: stufaro
Gallery Created: 11/13/2007
Hits: 13563

Presentation 8.29/10   Collection 8.31/10   Overall 8.18/10   Votes 17 votes
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