Goku (SSJ)

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The main character of Dragon Ball, and a substantial character in DBZ, Goku is sent to Earth as an infant so he can prepare it to be sold. He could easily eliminate all life on the planet, but he falls into a ravine and hits his head as a baby. Now with his orders lost, Goku becomes a friendly boy who fights on the side of good. He's not too intelligent, but a natural when it comes to the martial arts and manipulating his Ki. By far, Goku has the most abilities of any of the Z warriors (Cell is the only character with more). He marries Chi-Chi, daughter of Gyuu-Mao; and together they have two sons, Gohan and Goten.

 SSJ Goku Exhausted

 SSJ Goku VS Freiza GIF

 SSJ Goku Dodging

 SSJ Goku Dodging

 SSJ Goku Dodging

 SSJ Goku Dodging

 SSJ Goku Dodging

 SSJ Goku Dodging

 SSJ Goku Dodging

 SSJ Goku Dodging

 SSJ Goku Dodging

 SSJ Goku Namek

 SSJ Goku Namek

 SSJ Goku Namek

 SSJ Goku Pan Genga

Curator: stufaro
Gallery Created: 11/13/2007
Hits: 13267

Presentation 8.29/10   Collection 8.31/10   Overall 8.18/10   Votes 17 votes
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