Frieza (Perfect Form)

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One of the most powerful warriors in the universe, he runs a group of criminals who clear life from habitable planets and then sell the worlds to the highest bidder. Already untouchable in the universe, he wants to make his power everlasting. His quest for immortality brings him to Planet Namek, where he has heard of seven magic Dragon Balls that will grant any wish. As a Changeling, Freeza has numerous stages of power, each with its own distinct appearance. He has four forms total: His first is weak, but wastes little energy; the second is enormous and twice as powerful; the third looks very much like the queen from "Aliens;" and Freeza's fourth, "true" form is small again, but much sleeker (and of course, more powerful). After he is defeated by Son Goku, his remains are encased in a android body. Freeza operates off of Planet Furiza, where his men are stationed (including the powerful Ginyu Force).

 Frieza Frustrated

 Frieza Frustrated

 Frieza Frustrated

 Frieza Frustrated

Curator: stufaro
Gallery Created: 11/13/2007
Hits: 13565

Presentation 8.29/10   Collection 8.31/10   Overall 8.18/10   Votes 17 votes
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