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Born on the planet bearing his own name, Vegita has the bloodline to become a super-elite Saiya-jin. A henchman of Furiza, he is regarded as one of the greatest fighters in the universe. Along with Goku, Radditz, and Nappa, Vegita is one of the only Saiya-jins to survive the destruction of his homeworld. He is extremely jealous of Goku's superior fighting ability, and actually helps him from time to time so that he still has someone to compete with. Vegita craves nothing more than ultimate power until the very end

 Vegeta Pan Genga

 Vegeta Pissed

 Vegeta Pissed

 Vegeta Pan

 Vegeta Namek

 Vegeta Namek

 Vegeta Blast

 Vegeta Pissed

 Vegeta Shooting

 Vegeta Shooting

 Vegeta Shooting

 Vegeta Shooting

 Vegeta's New Sense

 Vegeta's New Sense

 Vegeta's New Sense

 Vegeta's New Sense

 Vegeta's New Sense

Curator: stufaro
Gallery Created: 11/13/2007
Hits: 13563

Presentation 8.29/10   Collection 8.31/10   Overall 8.18/10   Votes 17 votes
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