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This Gallery is here to display my collection of Genga/Douga Art from Dragon Ball. My main interested is to collect Lead Animator sketched Genga sets. Also Collect Key Cel Douga. Have been collecting for about a year off and on but only recently have decided to avidly start searching for new art for the gallery. What I enjoy most is being able to see the original concept and rough outlay of the animation itself.

This gallery is separated into Character Sections. Each gallery may contain spoilers about the character (just wanted to mention that in case you haven't seen the series.)

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or information about places to find art for this gallery. Best method would be email or AIM handle morimotosama. If you like what you see here please rate this site, I would greatly appreciate it.

News & Updates

1/5/2008Listed SSJ Goku VS Frieza gallery on eBay please bid if you would like to buy it!
12/24/2007Last Update of 2007... Look for more to come in 2008 some new stuff on the way will update with those as soon as I get them.
12/20/2007Tons of new gengas added. Lots more before the year ends.... just need time to post.
12/4/2007Decent size update, some new character galleries added. Hopefully a lot more before end of the year.

Gallery Contents
Private Area
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Title Last Updated
Broli (Legendary SSJ) (5) 1/13/2008
Bulma (2) 12/21/2007
Cell (1st Form) (6) 12/24/2007
Cell (Imperfect) (1) 12/24/2007
Cell (Perfect) (10) 11/23/2007
Frieza (Perfect Form) (4) 12/20/2007
Gashapon Collection (15) 12/30/2007
Gogeta (SSJ) (1) 11/17/2007
Gohan (Adult) (7) 1/12/2008
Gohan (Chibi) (3) 12/20/2007
Gohan (Teen) (1) 12/4/2007
Goku (Adult) (29) 12/27/2007
Goku (Chibi) (9) 12/1/2007
Goku (SSJ) (15) 12/26/2007
Goku (SSJ4) (8) 11/24/2007
Kaio Sama (King Kai) (10) 1/3/2008
Kaioshin (1) 12/20/2007
Kuririn (9) 12/24/2007
Majin Buu (Kid) (1) 11/17/2007
Mr. Satan (4) 12/24/2007
Nappa (1) 12/20/2007
Piccolo (Ma Jr.) (11) 12/4/2007
Radditz (5) 12/4/2007
SSJ Goku VS Frieza SOLD (20) 12/22/2007
Tao Pai Pai (3) 11/24/2007
Vegeta (17) 12/29/2007
Vegeta (Majin) (7) 11/24/2007
Vegeta (Oozaru) (4) 12/20/2007
Vegeta (SSJ) (34) 1/12/2008
Yamucha (1) 12/24/2007

Curator: stufaro
Gallery Created: 11/13/2007
Hits: 13563

Presentation 8.29/10   Collection 8.31/10   Overall 8.18/10   Votes 17 votes
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